The researchers of the group teach in the Departments of Mechanical and Mining Engineering of the University of Jaén and in the Department of Structural Mechanics, Hydraulic Engineering and Fluid Mechanics of the University of Granada, both in undergraduate and master's degrees.
The research carried out within the group ranges from fundamental basic research studies that pursue the generation of knowledge within the different lines of research to the development of applied research related to current problems such as industrial applications where there are multiphase flows, the reduction of energy consumption and corresponding greenhouse gas emissions of heavy road transport or the improvement in the administration of drugs injected into the cerebrospinal fluid. All this research is developed thanks to the financing of competitive research projects obtained in local, regional, national and international calls.
The group also develops some knowledge transfer with surrounding companies in the form of road and circuit testing of aerodynamic drag reduction devices for trucks or numerical studies and experimental characterization of industrial problems.
Outreach activities will also be carried out, such as Researchers' Night, Science Week, Café Conciencia and the 9th edition of the "Fotociencia" Scientific Photography Award.
Finally, the group tries to broaden the study and future research horizons of the students in its specialty, especially by collaborating, side by side, in the writing of their Final Degree or Master's theses. Several of these students continue their scientific training and go on to write their doctoral thesis or enjoy research grants within the group.